VMV offers customized automation engineering to transform production capabilities and partial or full automation management systems.
VMV develops systems which include advanced technologies, trouble-free design, reliable and robust engineering together with unparalleled technical support - tailored to the specific needs of each client.

Custom systems
• Annealing control systems
• Cold end coating management systems (CEC)
• Cold end transport control systems
• Palletizer management systems
• Control of machines with aspirators
• Warm end coating control systems (HEC)
• Systems according to customer specifications
An ideal solution
for every task
Excellent quality
The programmed repeatability of automation eliminates defects and guarantees constant quality
Consistent production
Automated systems are faster, more efficient, they eliminate the chance of human error and do not require rest
Safety and better working conditions
Automated systems make work easier and help eliminate the risk of injury
Lower operating expenses
Automation minimizes the waste of raw materials during the production process

Repair and modernization of old systems
Our repair and refit service offers you the maintenance, diagnostics and tools you need to get the most out of the life cycle of your machines. VMV examines your current installation and develops a retrofit plan with specialized improvements for your business needs and budget.
Как VMV може да помогне:
Анализ на обстоятелства и цели
Ще проучим опциите и ще установим изисквания.
Какво може да се автоматизира? Какви са лимитиращите фактори?
Заедно изготвяме подробен набор от изисквания, определяме обхвата на проекта и резултатите. След като постигнем съгласие, нашите инженери се захващат с работа.
Инсталация и тестване
След инсталация, ние ще тестваме системата обширно, за да потвърдим че системата работи правилно и интеграцията с всички други системи протича гладко.
След тестването осигуряваме обучение на операторите, за да могат да се справят добре с новата система.
With 20 years experience in the field of industrial and building automation.
Continuous improvement and constant innovation is the way we want to offer the best solutions to our customers.
The equipment and services we offer are extremely important for the activities of our clients. Our mission is to offer solutions that actually improve the work process, do not create additional problems and are easy to maintain. We are especially committed to quality after-sales service and feedback from our customers and thus continue to improve.
We are a company operating in the field of industrial and building automation. Our office and production base are located in Plovdiv, Bulgaria and the company was founded in 2005. then acting under another name. We offer quality solutions and services to our customers related to automatization as well as quality and heavy-duty cable configurations. Our team is full of dedicated professionals. This allows us to be very flexible and manage to respond quickly and adequately to different requirements of our customers and solve problems quickly.